
My dream smile


Welcome to my blog. I'm having braces fitted at the age of nearly 56, and I thought you might find my experiences useful, if you are thinking of doing it too.

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Sticking Incognito Bracket Back On + Retainer Update

I went back to my orthodontist today to have the bracket, which came off on Saturday shortly after my visit, stuck back on.
Luckily, he didn't have to remove my brace, because it has been comfortable this week and hopefully, it is doing its job to get my front teeth into a nice row.
Firstly, he checked that my tooth would meet the brace, by exerting a bit of pressure which was quite painful. (I did take some paracetamol again before my visit, which seemed to help.)
Then, he polished off all the old glue before fixing the bracket on with lots more to make it hold.
Also, he could only manage to attach half the bracket to my tooth, because he didn't want to strain it. So I'm going back next week when the tooth has moved enough to have it completely fixed.
Compared with the last photo top left, the tooth to my left of my two front teeth is now more in line. (The little brown specks are fragments of glue, not my dinner!)
Speaking of dinner, I liquidized my stir fry so as not to knock the bracket off! I can still feel pressure, so it must still be attached.
Just an update on my plastic retainer. I've been wearing it at night now for nearly three months. I have forgotten it a couple of times, so have had to go and put it on in the dark! My bottom teeth are definitely firmer and steadier. It fits very snuggly, so needs a little leverage with my nails to hook it off in the mornings, but I'm getting on well with the 'Retainer Brite' which I use on alternate mornings, when I don't clean it with toothpaste.

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