Today I had the wire replaced on my top Incognito brace because my teeth are still slanting slightly to my right. My orthodontist ordered one specially to be sent from Germany. However, although it was a softer version, it wasn't soft enough and it was quite painful as he tried to attach it to my teeth, so he's going to order another even softer one. The other thing was that two of the brackets came off my teeth as he was removing the old wire. Not too much of a problem, but time consuming as the glue had to be 'buzzed' off my teeth before they could be stuck on again.
So not the best day for me, or him! But I know that I chose to have my teeth straightened and it will be all worth it in the end.
Also, I eventually told my friends about my braces. They hadn't noticed a thing! Not even the Inspire Ice brace on my bottom teeth! So that goes to show how inconspicuous they really are, and how easy it is to wear braces without them being seen!